Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)

At Belton All Saints Primary, we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that all learners should be able to reach their full potential.
We strongly believe that reaching your potential is not about where you come from, but instead, about developing the necessary skills and values required to succeed.
Our pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium Funding may face specific barriers to reaching their full potential, and we are determined to provide the support and guidance they need to help them overcome these barriers.
In addition to this, we aim to provide them with access to a variety of exciting opportunities and a rich and varied curriculum.
All Staff and Governors here at Belton All Saints are committed to fulfilling our Mission Statement:
All members of our school community aim to work in partnership to provide a happy and stimulating Christian environment where every child is valued and can achieve, flourish and experience success.
We are aware that for some pupils, personal and/or social barriers may stand in the way of their educational success. We look to support these vulnerable pupils and to meet their pastoral, social and academic needs. The Pupil Premium Grant is a vital part of this work and allows additional resources to be made available for targeted pupils.
The school receives a Pupil Premium Grant for all pupils receiving Free School Meals (either currently or within the previous six years), for Looked After, or previously Looked After Pupils and for children of Service men and women. It is designed to help ‘Close the Gap’ between our most vulnerable pupils and their peers both in school and nationally.
More information can be found here: The parent's guide to the pupil premium | TheSchoolRun
The spending of the Pupil Premium Grant and pupil outcomes are discussed by Governors on a regular basis. We are also required to report to parents how this funding is being spent and the impact it is having on pupils’ achievements. This report can be accessed by clicking the link below.
We would like to reassure parents that all matters regarding the use of PPG are treated with discretion and in confidence.