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British Values

At Belton All Saints we uphold and teach pupils about British Values which are defined as:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

These values are taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE). We also teach the British Values through planning and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.

The school takes opportunities to actively promote British Values through our act of workship, assemblies and whole school systems and structures such as electing and running a successful School Council. We also actively promote British values through ensuring that our curriculum planning and delivery includes real opportunities for exploring these values. Actively promoting British Values also means challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.

Local MP visit- Andrew Percy


Our Local MP- Andrew Perrcy visited us to talk about Government, parliment and the voting system. We asked him lots of questions to find out about Democracy and Rule of Law. We found out how everyone over the age of 18 can vote at an election and how the winning party passes laws and bills. We asked Mr Percy what the role of an MP is and if he would like to be prime minister. We also asked how his party was adrressing the cost of living crisis and climate change.

Faith and Culture Day