Physical Education at Belton All Saints Primary School

PE Timetable
2021-2022 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
AM |
Reception |
Year 2 Year 4 |
PM |
Year 2 Year 5 |
Year 1 Year 6 |
Year 3 Year 4 |
Year 5 Year 3 |
Year 1 Year 6 |
At Belton All Saints CE Primary School we are committed to delivering a broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum enabling positive participation in physical activity. Through PE and sport, our children are able to develop a range of invaluable life skills including discipline, resilience, communication, teamwork, and ambition. We aim to ensure that all pupils:
- develop confidence and competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- engage in competitive sports and activities.
- lead healthy, active lives through sustained periods of physical activity and the development of knowledge of health and wellbeing.
- strive for excellence and celebrate achievements.
- understand and demonstrate fair play and respect.
- provide quality opportunities for children outside of school time.
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect (National Curriculum 2014, p198).
Extra Curricular Sports Clubs
Monday; Yoga and Taekwondo
Tuesday: Street Beat Dance
Wednesday: Phizzy's Club
Thursday: Badminton
Sports Captains
Toward the end of each academic year, Year 5 children are invited to apply for the post of Sports Captain, a job which begins on their first day as a Year 6 pupil. In order to be awarded the role of Sports Captain you must:
- Complete an application form detailing why you are the best person for the job.
- Consistently demonstrate Belton All Saint’s values within PE lessons, sports clubs and in class.
After the closing date for application forms has passed, all applications will be considered before the announcements for new Sports Captains is made.
Key Responsibilities
- Be a positive role model during playtimes and lessons by promoting our school values.
- Encourage pupils to participate positively to gain points for their Team.
- Assist in running of intra-school tournaments (refereeing, set up and tidy up, looking teams etc.)
- Assist in running of Sports Days.
- Assist with delivery of lunchtime challenges.
- Various other sports related jobs throughout the year.
Playground Pals
Every year we have Playground Pals, children from Year 2 to Year 6 who train to support children at playtimes. The children receive training to help them deliver playground games and encourage active playtimes.
Sporting Events
Sports Premium
From September 2013 every Primary School recieved Primary Sport Premium funding. The Premium should be used to:
Raise and develop the delivery of PE in school.
Improve every child’s experience of PE.
Increase school sport and competition.
Increase the physical activity of young people to develop a healthy lifestyle.
How will we use this money effectively?
Our school has bought into the North Lincs School Sports Network which will promote links between schools within North Lincolnshire, both Primary and Secondary Schools. The network will provide support for our school in order to implement our action plan.
The main areas of our action plan will include:
Staff training, continued professional development courses for staff, coaching and mentoring tuition for staff and children.
Development of the role of Young Sport Leaders (Ambassadors).
Ensure that all children receive an outstanding PE curriculum we will be looking to improve and develop high quality teaching of dance and gymnastics across KS1 and KS2.
Develop playground games and playground equipment.
What opportunities do children have?
We will update you via the Headteacher newsletter to inform you of the schools sporting opportunities and achievements.
The sports premium plan and review can be found on the Reports and Policies section of this website.
If you would like to know more about PE and the use of the Sports Premium Funding at our school, or if you have any questions please contact the PE subject leader (Mrs Alcock) at the school.