SPAG- Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
At Belton All Saints
At Belton All Saints C of E Primary School, we want our pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and to be able to spell new words by effectively applying the rules, patterns and strategies they learn throughout their time in primary school. We encourage our pupils to communicate orally using Standard English, so that they can apply this accurately to their writing.
How we teach SPAG
High-quality grammar and punctuation teaching is contextualised and is taught to enable the pupils to adapt their writing to create an impact on the reader.
Grammar and punctuation are usually taught as part of the sequence of learning for English. High-quality texts are selected to ensure specific grammar and punctuation are modelled for the children. These texts are chosen as a result of assessing what the next steps are for our current cohort of children. The sequence is then carefully planned to ensure these next steps are targeted and achieved by the end of the unit. Spelling, grammar and punctuation teaching is also taught discretely every week.
The teaching and learning of grammar and punctuation skills from Y1 to Y6 is supported using the 'No Nonsense Grammar' programme.
No Nonsense Grammar Programme Overview
In Early Years and Year 1, learning to correctly spell words is closely linked to the sounds they are learning in our Little Wandle Phonics Scheme.
Once children progress from phonics, they follow a spelling scheme called 'No Nonsense' spelling. The focus of the programme is on the teaching of spelling, which embraces knowledge of spell-ing conventions – patterns and rules; but integral to the teaching is the opportunity to promote the learning of spellings, including statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings.
The programme
- delivers a manageable tool for meeting the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum
- has a clear progression through blocks of teaching units across the year
- comprehensively explains how to teach spelling effectively.
No Nonsense Spelling Programme Overview
At the start of every unit of work, pupils are given spelling lists, which include common exception words and text-related words, which are the focus for the sequence. Pupils practise spelling words which should then be used in their writing. We have high expectations for spelling and expect children to copy spelling accurately, whenever they are displayed.
Spelling Journals:
To develop our children in SPAG we:
• Weekly spelling lessons consisting of a spelling pattern being taught.
• Spellings lists are sent home as homework every week, identifying the spelling pattern being taught.
• Year group common exception words taught and shared with parents.
• Weekly spelling lists displayed on SPAG display in classroom
• The 'Writing Wall' , punctuation tools and learning focus linking to No Nonsense Grammar.
• Grammar lessons being taught from the termly grammar progression plan – explicit skill-based SPAG lessons at least once a week.
• SPAG sticky knowledge at the beginning of an English lesson as part of a warm up – 4-5 times a week

Impact of our SPAG teaching
- Our pupils will be confident communicators; they will be able to talk for a range of audiences, using Standard English
- Pupils will be able to spell the common exception words for their year group and will use these accurately in their writing
- Pupils will apply what they have learned in spelling to their writing in all subjects
- Pupils will continue to use their knowledge of phonics to help them spell accurately
- Pupils will ‘have a go’ and will use their knowledge of word reading to check to see if a spelling ‘looks right’
- The percentage of pupils working at age-related expectations and above age-related expectations for Writing, within each year group, will be at least in-line with national averages and will match the ambitious targets of individual children
- The will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged)
- Pupils and teaching staff will be confident with the grammar terminology and this will be used consistently and accurately across the school
- The percentage of pupils who achieve the expected level in the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test at the end of Year 6 will be at least in-line with national averages
If you would like to know more about SPAG at our school or if you have any questions please contact the English subject leader (Mrs Alcock) at the school.