How is my Child doing in School?

Working in Partnership
As a school we aim to 'develop opportunities so that parents can be active partners in their child’s school life.' This partnership is invaluable in supporting a child's development, not only academically but personally and socially too. There are a number of planned opportunities for parents to find out about how their child is doing in school. However, if you are concerned or want more information at any point, an appointment can be made to see your child's class teacher.
Curriculum Outlines
Each term a 'Curriculum Letter' is sent to parents stating the theme that the children will be working on next. It outlines the areas of learning in each of the subjects covered and gives parents the opportunity to get involved in their learning. Further information regarding the National Curriculum expectations for each year group is available in the curriculum section of this website.

Open Evenings
Parents' Evenings are held each term when parents can come along and talk about their childs progress and attitudes to learning with the class teacher. We encourage pupils to be involved in these discussions too. Parents will be informed about their child's attainment, in relation to the expected levels for their child's age group, as well as the progress they are making. Targets for future learning will be discussed.
Parent Workshops
Each term Parent Workshops are organised to help parents understand how certain subjects are taught in school and to see the type of activities that their children will be involved in. These include sessions on Phonics and Reading across the school.

Annual Report to Parents
Each year you will receive a written report from your child's class teacher. This report will give you information about how your child preforms at school not only academically but also in terms of their personal and social development, their attitude and egagement with learning and their involvement in the school community as a whole. It will grade their effort and attainment in all subjects and set targets for further development.
Early Years Learning Jouneys
Throughout the foundation stage, your child's individual progress will be carefully observed and tracked. Photographs, observation sheets, notes and pictures are displayed in 'scrapbooks' and shared with yourselves and your children. Parents are invited to contribute to our 'Learning Journeys' to help build a comprehensive portrait of each child. The book becomes a celebration of personal achievement, provides valuable information for future teachers and suports a smooth transition through the early years.

Supporting your child with their homework is an excellent way to find out what you child has been doing in school and how they are progressing. Alongside the tasks, we ask parents to read with their child on a regular basis. As children become more skilled in reading this task changes from supporting the basic mechanics of reading to developing resilience and understanding. All pupils have a homework book; the homework is given out, and collected in, on a set day each week. Tasks will vary in nature, sometimes being very practical and sometimes requiring formal reording. If you have any concerns about your child's homework please contact the class teacher.