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Useful Websites

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The following websites contain information and advice along with games and activies that may help you to support your child's learning at home. Please note these are suggestions rather than recommendations.

Reading & Writing

www.oxfordowls.co.uk- a range of free ebooks and games along with support for parents

Phonics Play - great website for helping kids make phonics fun with games and other resources


www.themathsfactor.com/mathsmadeeasy/ a subscription based site

TT Rockstars - a times table website

Other Areas

Essentials for Deep Learning : Focus Education (focus-education.co.uk)- for information about the Focus Curriulum

Active Learn - reousrces and games linked to various subject areas. Each child has a log-in


The following Apps are used by pupils across the school:

Pic Collage - a desktop publishing app that combines photos and text.

Book Creator - combine text and pictues to create a book page by page then record yourself reading book.

DK Times Tables - games based app to help learn your timestables

Educreations -

Age restrictions

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