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Science at Belton All Saints

Developing the skills needed to work Scientifically and experiencing hands on Science is a key priority at Belton All Saints Primary School. We ensure this this by:

  • Giving pupils regular, high quality, hands-on practical experiences across the whole Science curriculum.
  • Breaking down the skills of Scientific Enquiry and carefully matching them to appropriate scientific concepts and topics in each phase and year group.
  • Ensuring that pupils carry out full investigations, tests and experiments in each year for each topic (where possible)
  • Encouraging curiosity and child-lead questioning and investigations where possible.

See our Science Intent Statement at the bottom of this page.

Science Week at Belton All Saints

The theme of this year’s Science week was 'Growth'. The children in all classes took part in a range of hands-on experiments and exploratative activities.

The children in the Early Years Foundation Stage explored the differences between themselves as babies, compared to how they look now and they made baby cress heads with hair that actually grew!

The children in Year 6 made blood and discussed what the composition of blood is and how this could be represented.


Engineer visit

An important element of our Science intent is to develop the knowledge and skills of the children to become life-long learners. We are very lucky to have volunteers who are willing to come into school and share their experiences through a range of STEM activities. During Science week one of our parents inspired the children to think about engineering as a possible future career. Mrs Snell shared her expertise in the field of using greener energy to power homes.

What our pupils said:

"I enjoyed how all the power was made and learning about how water can be transmitted into electricity." Leo – year 5

"When coal was used, it made poisonous gasses. Now they use biomass it is much better for the environment." Kai- Year 3

"I enjoyed learning how electricity works and the journey it takes to get to our houses so they can be powered." Pavan- Year 3

Learning about healthy teeth in Year 1

Science Curriculum

At Belton All Saints Primary School, excellence in teaching and enjoyment of learning is at the heart of what we do. In our rapidly evolving world Science is a vital part of our curriculum intention. At Belton All Saints Primary School we believe that Science is not a collection of inert facts but the accumulation of knowledge for subsequent learning which is led through enquiry and by working scientifically. It is our belief that Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies their curiosity with knowledge. As Science links direct practical experience with ideas, it engages our learners at many levels. Scientific investigation is based on developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modelling. Pupils learn to question and discuss Science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.

The curriculum that we follow in Science is the National Curriculum. This ensures that the design of our curriculum for Science meets the national expectations set out for Key Stages 1 and 2 and, to support us in doing this, we use a range of teaching materials and resources including National Curriculum standards for Science and STEM activity and planning tools

The National curriculum programmes of study can be found here: National curriculum in England: science programmes of study - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Science at our School focuses on Scientific knowledge and enquiry; carrying out tests and experiments, researching, observing, problem solving, grouping and classifying. We deliver this through a well planned and sequenced curriculum that links to our half termly themes, from EYFS through to Year 6

Our whole school topic overview including Science coverage can be found here

Our Science progression map can be found here:

Our Science vocabulary map can be found here